Shujin Academy VGM Club
Hosted by Professor Tom, Shujin Academy VGM Club is a video game music podcast that primarily focuses on retro VGM with occasional forays into newer games. New episodes are released on Thursdays every time Professor Tom gets one finished, which is typically every 2 to 4 weeks.

Friday Feb 11, 2022
Episode 6 - 116 Pixels, 3 Colors, 2 Lovers, 1 Heart
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
It’s nearly Valentine’s Day, and this episode is devoted to video game songs that are all about romance!
Special thanks to the voice of Heart Containers. Your devotion to romanticism is admirable, and it shows in the promo.
If you want to reach me, you can email me at You can find me on Twitter at @ShujinVGMClub, and on Instagram at ShujinAcademyVGMClub. Please leave me a five star rating on iTunes or Spotify or wherever you’re finding this episode.
Track Listing:
00:00 - Show Tagline
00:05 - VA-11 Hall-A - Your Love is a Drug
03:03 - Talk Segment 1
05:47 - Hatoful Boyfriend - Dispersion Relation
09:48 - Final Fantasy IV - Theme of Love
11:36 - Fire Emblem Awakening - I Feel A Little Uneasy
15:06 - Katamari Damacy - Que Sera Sera
20:36 - Talk Segment 2
22:39 - Tokimeki Memorial - Tokimeki (Opening Demo)
23:56 - Tokimeki Memorial - Meeting (Personality Entry)
25:48 - Tokimeki Memorial - The Start of Our Youth (School Entrance Ceremony)
27:57 - Tokimeki Memorial - Rising Dragon - Chaotic Transition (Fireworks)
29:55 - Tokimeki Memorial - The Tactical Art of Love (White Day)
31:22 - Tokimeki Memorial - Song of the Southern Islands (Okinawa Trip)
33:26 - Tokimeki Memorial - Lilac Hill (Hokkaido Trip)
35:22 - Tokimeki Memorial - Hill of Wishes (Romance)
36:43 - Tokimeki Memorial - Goodnight Love (Miharu Tatebayashi’s Theme)
37:43 - Tokimeki Memorial - Confession
38:29 - Tokimeki Memorial - Confession
40:14 - Tokimeki Memorial - Ballad of the Effeminate Geek (Bad Ending)
41:23 - Talk Segment 3
41:58 - Persona 4 - Theater
43:48 - Capcom vs SNK 2 - This is True Love Makin’
47:06 - Outro Talk Segment

Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Episode 5 - Chilly McFreeze
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
I like laid back video game music, and this episode is devoted to some of my favorite tracks that are calm.
Special thanks to the mysterious voice of Save Point. You know who you are, and I’m glad you helped with this episode.
If you want to reach me, you can email me at You can find me on Twitter at @ShujinVGMClub, and on Instagram at ShujinAcademyVGMClub. Please leave me a five star rating on iTunes or Spotify or wherever you’re finding this episode.
Track Listing:
00:00 - Talk Segment 1
04:36 - Secret Little Haven - Defragmentation
05:50 - Secret Little Haven - Chilling on the Information Superhighway
07:07 - Shiren the Wanderer - Peace
11:59 - Tales of Phantasia - Sylphis
16:16 - Picross e - Background Music 0
18:37 - Earthbound - The Unforgiving Desert
20:50 - Donkey Kong Country 3 - Hot Pursuit
24:20 - Final Fantasy X - Calm Before the Storm
27:30 - Lunar: Dragon Song - Background Music 9
28:53 - Wii Shop Channel - Wii Shop Channel
30:32 - Tales of Phantasia - Good-by Friends
34:09 - Garou: Mark of the Wolves - Full Moon - Heartful
35:36 - Talk Segment 2
37:30 - Coffee Talk - Calming Drizzle
42:50 - Coffee Talk - Onto the Bridge
48:57 - Final Fantasy V - Reminiscence
50:33 - Earthbound - Because I Love You
54:21 - Picross E2 - Background Music 0
56:45 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - In a Snow-Bound Land
59:41 - Final Fantasy VII - A Secret, Sleeping in the Deep Sea
1:04:09 - Street Fighter III: Second Impact - Staff Roll
1:08:25 - Outro Talk Segment

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Episode 4 - Enter the Revenge!
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Ninjas abound in classic gaming as both protagonists and antagonists. This episode is a look at some classic VGM songs from games that prominently feature ninjas.
Special thanks to friends of the show Scott Horberg for a headset and Josh Grisham of Nerd Informants for being the voice of ninja magic.
If you want to reach me, you can email me at You can find me on Twitter at @ShujinVGMClub, and on Instagram at ShujinAcademyVGMClub. Please leave me a five star rating on iTunes or Spotify or wherever you’re finding this episode.
Track listing:
00:00 - Show Tagline
00:05 - Ninja Garden - Duel
00:25 - Talk Segment 1
01:52 - The Last Ninja - The Wastelands
05:47 - The Last Ninja 2 - The Basement
10:53 - The Last Ninja 2 - The Street
16:27 - Talk Segment 2
18:08 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) - Introduction
19:22 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) - Streets
20:00 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) - Save the Dam!
21:18 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) - Building
22:10 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) - Sewer 2
23:44 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) - Foot Clan Base
24:56 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade) - Let’s Start! (Character Selection)
25:24 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade) - Factory (Scene 4, Stage 1)
27:41 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade) - Fire! (Scene 1, Stage 1)
29:23 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade) - Underground (Scene 2, Stage 2)
31:27 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade) - Down Town (Scene 2, Stage 1)
33:02 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade) - Krang (Boss)
34:24 - Talk Segment 3
36:01 - Shinobi (Arcade) - BGM 2
37:32 - The Revenge of Shinobi - Ninja Step (Stage 4-2 and 7-2)
39:40 - The Revenge of Shinobi OST - Make me Dance (Stage 2-2).mp3
41:49 - The Revenge of Shinobi OST - Sunrise Blvd. (Stage 2-1 & 5-2).mp3
43:40 - Shinobi III: Return Of The Ninja Master - Inner Darkside.mp3
48:21 - Shinobi III: Return Of The Ninja Master - Izayoi.mp3
51:21 - Talk Segment 4
54:07 - Street Fighter - Geki’s Theme
55:51 - Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Stage Guy
58:41 - Street Fighter Alpha 3 - No More Swingin’ (Guy’s Theme)
1:01:41 - Street Fighter III: Third Strike - Twilight (Ibuki’s Theme)
1:04:06 - Talk Segment 5
1:06:25 - The Ninja Warriors - Motherless Children
1:09:15 - The Ninja Warriors - Japanese Smile
1:11:15 - The Ninja Warriors - Daddy Mulk
1:15:56 - The Ninja Warriors - Voice Epilogue

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Episode 3 - Before and Outside of Final
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Nobuo Uematsu is considered the Final Fantasy composer. But that’s not all he did. This episode is a look at some of his songs that aren’t for mainline Final Fantasy games.
Email me at You can find me on Twitter at @ShujinVGMClub, and on Instagram at ShujinAcademyVGMClub. Please leave me a five star rating on iTunes or Spotify or wherever you’re finding this episode.
I mentioned that I’d link to a song from Nobuo Uematsu's 10 Short Stories album. As promised, here’s Hikkari Pikkari:
Track Listing:
00:00 - Talk Segment 1
00:05 - Final Fantasy VII - The Prelude
02:56 - Talk Segment 2
05:34 - Makai Toushi SaGa (aka Final Fantasy Legend) - Prologue
08:34 - Makai Toushi SaGa (aka Final Fantasy Legend) - Wipe Your Tears Away
11:34 - Makai Toushi SaGa (aka Final Fantasy Legend) - Town Theme
14:34 - Talk Segment 3
15:44 - King’s Knight - Track 1
18:44 - The 3-D Battles of Worldrunner - Track 1
21:44 - The 3-D Battles of Worldrunner - Track 8
24:21 - Apple Town Story - Little Computer People - Track 1
25:03 - Apple Town Story - Little Computer People - Track 5
26:20 - Apple Town Story - Little Computer People - Track 6
27:26 - Apple Town Story - Little Computer People - Track 11
28:18 - Apple Town Story - Little Computer People - Track 13
31:18 - Talk Segment 4
33:27 - Rad Racer - Grand Canyon
36:27 - Rad Racer - Sunset Coastline
39:27 - Rad Racer - San Francisco Highway
42:27 - Rad Racer II - Coast to Coast
45:27 - Rad Racer II - Gum Ball Crash
48:28 - Talk Segment 5
49:56 - Front Mission Gun Hazard - Remains
52:04 - Front Mission Gun Hazard - Uneasy
55:07 - Front Mission Gun Hazard - Transaction
56:54 - Front Mission Gun Hazard - Richard Millman
59:46 - Front Mission Gun Hazard - Blue Sky ~ Blue Sky
1:01:40 - Talk Segment 6

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Episode 2 - Super Deluxe
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
This episode is all about songs from Sega's super deluxe arcade cabinets, which featured immersive cockpits and force feedback to pull you into the game.
Email me at Follow me on Twitter at @ShujinVGMClub. Follow me on Instagram at shujinacademyvgmclub.
Track Listing:
00:00 - Talk Segment 1
00:05 - Super Hang-On: Opening
00:36 - Talk Segment 2
03:56 - Hang-On - Main Theme
06:26 - Super Hang-On - Outride a Crisis
11:27 - Talk Segment 3
13:43 - Outrun - Magical Sound Shower (composed by Hiroshi Kawaguchi)
19:46 - Outrun - Passing Breeze (composed by Hiroshi Kawaguchi)
25:50 - Rad Mobile - Submission and Domination
29:44 - Sponsor Ad Break
29:59 - Talk Segment 4
31:21 - Galaxy Force II - Beyond the Galaxy (composed by Katsuhiro Hayashi and Kouichi Namaki)
37:15 - Galaxy Force II - Defeat (composed by Katsuhiro Hayashi and Kouichi Namaki)
39:51 - Galaxy Force II - Take Back (composed by Katsuhiro Hayashi and Kouichi Namaki)
45:30 - Talk Segment 5
47:11 - After Burner - Final Take Off
51:23 - After Burner - After Burner
56:27 - Thunder Blade - Burning Point (composed by Katsuhiro Hayashi and Kouichi Namaki)
59:19 - Talk Segment 6
Videos of all the cabinets mentioned can be found on YouTube at the following links:
Super Hang-On Deluxe cabinet:
Outrun Super Deluxe cabinet:
Rad Mobile Super Deluxe cabinet:
Galaxy Force II Super Deluxe cabinet:
After Burner Super Deluxe cabinet:
Sega R360 cabinet in action:
I also mentioned the Galaxian 3 Theater cabinet, and a video of it at
You can also check out this cool article about Sega’s simulators over the years.

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Episode 1 - On the Green!
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
The first episode of the podcast looks at some golf games and their soundtracks.
Email me at Follow me on Twitter at @ShujinVGMClub.
Track List:
Neo Turf Masters - Fujiyama Oriental Golf Club - 2:10
Neo Turf Masters - Grand Canyon Golf Course - 6:06
Neo Turf Masters - BADEN National Golf Course - 9:53
Neo Turf Masters - Blue Lagoon Golf Course - 13:22
Lee Travino’s Fighting Golf (NES) - Track 1 - 14:45
Lee Travino’s Fighting Golf (NES) - Track 4 - 17:10
Lee Travino’s Fighting Golf (Arcade) - BGM 71 - 19:41
Lee Travino’s Fighting Golf (Arcade) - BGM 80 - 21:12
Lee Travino’s Fighting Golf (Arcade) - BGM 81 - 23:27
Lee Travino’s Fighting Golf (Arcade) - BGM 82 - 26:00
Lee Travino’s Fighting Golf (Arcade) - BGM 84 - 27:02
Lee Travino’s Fighting Golf (Arcade) - BGM 85 - 28:42
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf - BGM 1 - 31:55
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf - BGM 2 - 34.31
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf - BGM 3 - 35.35
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf - BGM 4 - 37.04
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf - Score - 40.16
Top Player’s Golf - O Bosque - 42.15
Top Player’s Golf - Carnival - 43.46
Top Player’s Golf - Nicaragua - 46.05
Top Player’s Golf - Cool Wind - 47.36
Top Player’s Golf - Shiny Afternoon - 50.19
True Golf Classics - Pebble Beach Golf Links (Genesis) - Menu - 53.13
True Golf Classics - Pebble Beach Golf Links (Genesis) - Hole Overview - 57.02
True Golf Classics - Pebble Beach Golf Links (Genesis) - BGM 2 - 59.12
True Golf Classics - Pebble Beach Golf Links (Genesis) - Music No. 3 - 1.02.55
True Golf Classics - Pebble Beach Golf Links (Genesis) - Music No. 6 - 1.05.33
True Golf Classics - Waialae Country Club (SNES) - Main Theme - 1:08:11

America's Number 7 VGM Podcast!
Devoted to the exploration and appreciation of video game music, Shujin Academy VGM Club is the podcast for you! At least, it's the podcast for you if you like video game music. Check it out now!